The Importance of Fun!
Nobody Said Parenting Was Going To Be Easy.
Okay, I think we can all agree that “Adulting” is about as much fun as taking a knee to the groin from your 40 lbs. 2 year old son. (Especially when its his full body weight…and your NOT expecting it!)
I will be honest. (…and if it’s just me, then ignore the rest of this blog post) But, when the hell did I decide that having fun was no longer something I had to do. Wait scratch that…something I was allowed to do.
We all find different things fun. Some have fun playing Dungeons & Dragons for hours. Some love the idea of going for a 20 mile run.. Others would enjoy ax throwing or hitting up a new brewery.
Whatever floats your boat, we’ve got to do more of it. Science is finding that we NEED MORE FUN in our lives!
So, if your marriage is still exciting and completely invigorating…GOD BLESS YOU. But, if you are like most people, after about 9-10 years things may seem to become banal. Take heart, by injecting novelty into the relationship you could be adding a whole new level of energy to your relationship.
When it comes to Date Night; instead of going to the old haunts - “But, you love this place honey”. Try new experiences. New experiences activate the brain’s reward system (The Nucleus Accumbens and the Ventral Tegmental Area), thus creating new neurological connections and releasing norepinephrine and dopamine (“happy hormones”).
Doing new and exciting things may help to bring back that giddy-romantic love. Let’s be honest, our “overwhelming-electric-all consuming” love gradually morphs into the long term feeling of attachment (which is incredibly important and wonderful) but, wouldn’t it be cool to feel those butterflies again? Being spontaneous can be a reminder of our positive relationship history, and promote intimacy - reminding you of why you married your spouse in the first place!
Play lifts stress from us. Playing can recharge our batteries. Having fun can restore optimism and can give us a different perspective, thus stimulating our creativity. Through neuro-imaging they are finding that we, perhaps, are renewing neural connections through play and fun.
54 percent of U.S. workers feel guilty about taking vacation days. Americans left 768 million days of paid time off unused last year. A study found that 55 percent of Americans did not use all of their paid vacation time.
Medical research has found that working long hours could increase the risk of heart disease and an increase risk of stroke. Other studies show that overwork can lead to sleep deprivation, which has been linked to several medical conditions, including diabetes. Whereas taking time to recharge your batteries, even if it’s just a short vacation, can lead to measurable improvements.
Playing with children adds value not only for children but for adult as well.
Play enables children and adults to be passionately and totally immersed in an activity of their choice and to experience intense joy, much as athletes do when they are engaging in their optimal performance.
Allowing children to PLAY and have FUN is so important, it is VITAL to a child’s development. Research shows that play can improve a child’s ability to plan, organize and get along with others. It helps them to learn to regulate their emotions. Play also helps kids develop coping abilities.
From the Official Journal of The American Academy of Pediatrics:
The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children
“Children need to develop a variety of skill sets to optimize their development and manage toxic stress. Research demonstrates that developmentally appropriate play with parents and peers is a singular opportunity to promote the social-emotional, cognitive, language, and self-regulation skills that build executive function and a prosocial brain. Furthermore, play supports the formation of the safe, stable, and nurturing relationships with all caregivers that children need to thrive.
Play is not frivolous: it enhances brain structure and function and promotes executive function (ie, the process of learning, rather than the content), which allow us to pursue goals and ignore distractions.”
Giving your child plenty of opportunities to play is one of the best ways to help them grow into curious, creative, healthy, and happy adults equipped with the skills they need today.
Creating a Family Identity can often revolve around having fun. When families have fun together, it builds bonds that can last a lifetime. Family traditions are often developed in times of fun. Those traditions help define who that family is and what they stand for.
In our family, we have created the tradition of going out for ice cream the night before the first day of school. This has not only added a “good feeling” to going back to school, but who doesn’t have fun getting ice cream!?
Children who spend time with their parents participating in activities together build a positive sense of self-worth. When children feel that they are valued by their parents, they feel more positive about themselves. Family activities don’t have to be expensive trips out to be meaningful, the important part is just being together.
When children spend more quality time with their families, they develop a stronger sense of self and high self-esteem. When kids feel that they are valued by their parents, the develop more confidence…and don’t we all want confident kids?
The Bottom line is this:
We need to have MORE FUN.
We need to PLAY MORE.
For the sake of your MARRIAGE.
For the health and well being of your KIDS, your FAMILY & YOURSELF -