Screen Time…Holy Hell…Screen Time!
Nobody said parenting was going to be easy.
Okay, so here is a freaking crazy statistic: the average American child (ages 2-16) has an average of 5-7 hours of screen time a day...A DAY!!
[Now, yes, I know that statistical averages are a bit arbitrary...I know there are outliers on both sides. But, that being said, that would mean there are American children out there that have more than 7 hours of screen time a day!]
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children between 2 - 5 years old limit their screen time to 1 -2 hours a day (this includes ALL screen time). They also suggest that children under 2 years old have NO SCREEN TIME!
Okay, now let’s talk about reality.
Yes, plopping my 4 year old daughter down with her Kindle is so much easier than interacting with her every day.
Yes, it might give me more “Johnny Time” if I were to turn on the TV and hope my 1 and a half year old - FINALLY - falls in love with Smallville (like I did).
But, here is the thing Gents...our window is VERY small. Before we know it, our kids will not want to hang out with us. We will become embarrassing. Old. Gross. Soooo not cool. Our kids will retreat to their rooms or ask for the car keys to go to Cara’s house.
NOW is the time for us to create a connection with our children. NOW is the time for us to help mold their little brains into something Einstein would be jealous of.
The average American child (ages 2-16) has an average of 5-7 hours of screen time a day.
Here’s some tips in regards to limiting screen time:
Absolutely NO TV or tablets in their bedroom. (“Yes, I know Patrick has a TV in his room, but guess don’t”)
Absolutely NO TV or tablets at the dinner table. Make meals a “tech-free” zone.
Don’t turn on the TV as “background noise”. Even if it is for you. Turn on the radio instead.
Make your screen time decisions ahead of time. Decide if Suzie will watch a 26 minute Sophia the First show or a 12 minute DC Super Hero Girls show.
Use those “stupid” Parental Controls on your Smart Device. Yes, believe it or not YOU CAN CONTROL WHAT YOUR KID WATCHES (at least at home).
BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL...wait...holy shit...WHAT?!? You want me to limit the amount of time I watch mindless TV? The answer - YES!
Unstructured Play is much more important than electronic media. So, the next time you tell your little pumpkin to “Go outside and play” you are actually helping them to become a more well-rounded person. This sort of play is much more beneficial in developing the human brain. (More on that at another time)
If you’ve got to allow your kids to sit down in front of the TV or’s a crazy idea...sit with them! Yes, you are giving up a half hour of your valuable time (that you would have used scrolling through Instagram anyway), but sit with them. Ask questions. Interact with your kids! It may surprise you that you actual LOVE hanging out with them, even if they are watching an episode of Boss Baby (which is hilarious, by the way).