Your Ideal You

Nobody Ever Said Parenting Was Going To Be Easy.

Think about the Super Hero Version of you.

Seriously, I know we’ve all done it. When I was a kid, I used to literally pray that when I woke up in the morning I would be able to shoot webs from my wrists and stick to walls. I wanted to be Spiderman with all of my might.

Now, I’m not talking about wishing for other’s special abilities. I’m talking about YOUR special abilities. What does your - personal - Super Hero Version look like?

I’ll go first.

The Super Hero Version of John looks a little something like this:

1) He knows EXACTLY what he wants. He does not waver. He is not wishy-washy. He has a very clear idea of what he wants (wants to achieve) and he doesn’t vacillate from that.

2) He is not afraid. I’m not talking about the fear of dying in a car accident. I’m talking about the constant - low level - fear. The “Am I making the right decision?” fear. The Super Hero Version of me has NO FEAR.

3) He is disciplined. If I say I’m doing 5 sets of 5 exercises as hard as I can - well, damnit - I’m doing 5 sets of 5 exercises as hard as I can. I’m not going to make through 4 sets and determine that is enough. I will DO what I SAY.

4) He has an immense amount of patience. I’m talking super-human amounts. He’s able to breath through it, relax into it, find his happy place and stay focused.

5) He has an endless reservoir of Self-Belief. No more “imposter syndrome”. No more self-doubt. No more backing away from things because I don’t feel I’ve earned it. I would now BELIEVE in ME.

[Now, the fun stuff…]

6) He would look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

7) He would be able to function on 4 hours of sleep.

8) He would be the funniest motherfucker in the room.


Now it’s your turn. Seriously, it’s a pretty good exercise. Grab a pen and piece of paper. Get creative.

What is the Super Hero Version of YOU?

How does he feel? Strong? Mobile? Dangerous?

Does he stick to his word? Does he push his limits? Does he make healthy choices?

Where does he work? What does he do for a living? Where does he live? What does he do for fun?

Start to build this Super Hero Version of yourself.

Once you’ve started to create this Ultimate Version of Yourself - write down the bullet points & how are you going to become your Super Hero Version?!

Maybe it looks a little like this:

  • He is physically strong - he lifts heavy things 4 times a week.

  • He has unimaginable patience - he stops, breaths and refocuses daily.

  • He is wicked smart - he reads instead of watching TV.

  • He is disciplined - he does what he says (he has an accountability partner).

  • He has a positive outlook - he only hangs out with positive minded people.

Write this out. Put it on a flash card. Carry it with you.

Once you have fleshed out your Super Hero Self & you have written it down & and you have figured out what it will take to become the “Bad Ass Version of You” & you carry it with you daily - you will have a road map for how to become your BEST SELF.

I mean, this is what we strive for isn’t it? TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES.

Give this a try.

If you do, you will - at least - have some fun thinking about being a Super Hero.


When you are caring for your parents.


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