Sleep Regressions are REAL!
Nobody said parenting was going to be easy.
I hate to break it to you guys, but The Sleep Regression is REEEAAAAAL……!
Holy Mother of Pearl. Honestly, just when my wife and I thought that our 16 month old son was through it. I mean this kid was sleeping like a World Champion. I should have been Instagramming his mighty slumber.
But, here comes 18 months and - WHAM! A right hook to the face. This kid has STOPPED being an awesome sleeper and has turned into a Terrorist! I am literally in fear each night we go to sleep. Anticipating him Losing His Mind anywhere between 3:00 - 5:00 am.
Here’s what I have to keep telling myself and my wife - “This is just a phase. He will get through it. We will survive. Just keep your eyes open when you are driving home.”
Here is what I have learned. The best way through it is …… well, through it. Of course there are tactics that you can use (which we will cover below) but, at least in our case, buddy…you just gotta suck it up.
Tactics to stave off the imminent Sleep Regression:
1) Create a Sleep Routine: Seriously, one of the best pieces of advice I can give. It can be whatever routine you choose to create. For us, 15 minutes before bedtime we tell the kids it’s “Time to shut it down and watch a show.” We snuggle on the couch and watch a half an episode of “Dino Dana.” (Actually a pretty good show. It’s amazing how much my daughter now loves to learn about dinosaurs.) Then it’s “Teeth Brushing Time!” “Potty Time!” and off to bed. Our daughter gets one book from Mommy. One story from Daddy. And, it’s off to sleepy-bedtime. Our son (18 months old…sleep terrorist) gets some snuggles from Daddy and he is off to slumber.
2) Put the baby down drowsy, but awake: We don’t want to establish the habit of rocking our babies to sleep and then putting them down. They will become accustomed to having someone else do the work to sooth them to sleep. They NEED to develop this skill on their own.
3) Use a white noise machine: We use this with our Snoozy Pod (a Godsend of a device. Look for it on the “Things We Use” page). This definitely helps get them to sleep initially.
4) Try not to introduce NEW habits and routines: One of the reason your “bundle of glee” is not sleeping is that his brain is processing a “shit-ton” of new information. Seriously, his little operating system is in overdrive and once it hits capacity it’s WAKE UP TIME!
During Sleep Regressions our little one’s BRAINS are processing TONS of information. This is the reason why it is so hard for them to get a good night’s sleep.
As stated above, one of the biggest reasons our little guy or girl is even going through these sleep regressions is because they are hitting major physical or mental milestones. The 18 month sleep regression is huge because it coincides with many considerable breakthroughs.
1) Walking and talking: Here’s the crazy things we, as adults, forget. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO WALK AND TALK! We’ve been doing it for so long, it is second nature to us (Hopefully. For those that it is not, I tip my hat to you!). The transition from playtime to sleep time may be a challenge.
2) Separation Anxiety: Think about the last time you left your wife for an extended period of time. Sure, at first you may have enjoyed the time away, but as time went on I hope you started to feel a need to be back home with her. Okay, take that and multiply that times 100,000,000. Our toddlers do not truly have a grasp of “time.” They, pretty much, know that you are gone. And, that hurts them….until they see you again. Their little grey matter is processing this as well.
3) Independence: It may seem ironic given the Separation Anxiety that occurs around 18 months, but most children also develop a sense of independence at this age. 18-month olds realize they have control and may start trying to use it. That’s what distinguishes the 18-month sleep regression from previous regressions: your child may now be choosing not to sleep. And, that is what gives us the biggest headaches.
Anyway you look at it. If (and I do mean “IF”. Not all toddlers go through this.) you are going through the dreaded sleep regression just know that the only way through it…….is through it. You WILL get to the other side. Perhaps a little sleepier, a few more grey hairs and wrinkles….but you will get to the other side.