Tomorrow can be Day One.
Nobody Said Parenting Was Going To Be Easy.
Let’s start off the New Year with a pretty easy concept.
Tomorrow can be Day 1.
Let me say that again. TOMORROW CAN BE DAY 1.
You can always start over.
Let me say that again. YOU CAN ALWAYS START OVER.
Each day that you wake up can be “Day 1” on your journey for excellence.
What do I mean by this? Let’s say you decided that you were going to stop drinking Soda Pop. (Which, by the way, you should…hint, hint) You wake up in the morning determined to stick to it today. But, just after lunch - the urge hits you. You gotta have it. You give in. You have a soda. You feel guilty. You beat yourself up over it. BUT, the good news is…YOU CAN ALWAYS START OVER.
Tomorrow can be Day 1!
This applies to everything in your life. Sometimes we feel stuck. Stuck in our way of thinking. Stuck in our habits. Stuck in our routines and mindset. But, on any given day - if we decide to - we can make drastic changes. It’s all up to you!
Will it be easy? Probably not. It may end up being some of the hardest things you will do in your life. But, if making changes is important to you, you can ALWAYS start over. Tomorrow can be Day 1.
Now, let’s be completely honest. If you continue to “drop the ball” day after day, week after week, month after month, that will just NOT WORK. At some point you HAVE TO gain your focus. At some point you HAVE TO make the determination to WORK HARD, to STAY FOCUSED, to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.
But, we are all human. We all fall down. Best part - we can get back up!
As adults we often do not set goals. We talk to our kids about goals, but when was the last time you set goals for yourself? Make it a small goal to start with. Maybe - put down that chocolate chip cookie, turn off the TV and read for 30 minutes, of go outside for a walk…anything.
The more “wins” you can accumulate, the easier sticking to your goals will become. So, that on those “off days” when you do screw up, you know one very important fact - Tomorrow can be Day 1.
That day can be tomorrow!
You can always start over.
Tomorrow can be Day 1.